(541) 636-4714 [email protected]

United Academics

of the University of Oregon


AAUP/AFT Local 3209, AFL-CIO

Our mission

We promote and defend quality public higher education by working together to uphold the University of Oregon’s academic and research priorities.

We believe in democracy, fairness, transparency, academic excellence, diversity, access to education, and economic opportunity.

We aim to enhance the quality of faculty work life and student education by negotiating our terms and conditions of employment.

Become a Member

Media Resources

Contact Us

The Final Quackdown

Our last big rally to convince admin to settle a fair contract will be Friday, 3/14, 11:30-1pm. 

Please visit strengthenuo.org for additional information on how you can support the mission of the University of Oregon.

About United Academics

Who We Are

Meet the officers and staff, and learn the history of UA.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with your union. The first step is membership!

Contract & Grievances

The CBA is the legal document which dictates faculty working conditions. A grievance is a purported violation of the CBA.

Community & Politics

We endorse candidates for local and state races, and stay involved in politics through our Politics Committee and our state and national affiliates. 


Read the Duck & Cover, UA’s very own newsletter. We keep it live, local and late-breaking!

Useful Information

Your one-stop shop for the information faculty need to be successful. If you can’t find it here, shoot us an email!

New Faculty?

We’ll help get you on your feet!

Resources for new faculty

General Membership Meetings

Even if you don't have time to serve, you can stay informed by attending our regular membership meetings.

UA Committees

UA has committees on Politics, Communications, Organizing & Membership and more! 

Get Involved ...

There are lots of ways to make a difference in our community. United Academics offers opportunities to work with other good people doing good things.

We have three standing caucuses—some meet to solve issues, others meet to find community—which get together quarterly.

We have faculty representatives, stewards, committees, and bargaining teams. There's always something to do around here! (Even if "here" means via Zoom).







Find your community here!

Stewards & Representatives

Share what's happening in your unit by becoming a steward or rep!

Upcoming Events

April 16



Spring Representative Assembly I

Representative Assemblies are for UA Representatives and Stewards. They occur during Week 3 and Week 7 of each quarter. The meeting will be held as a hybrid event, in the Union Hall and on Zoom. Additional details will be available closer to the event. You can Zoom in here!

May 1




Spring General Membership Meeting

The Spring Term GMM will be held on Thursday, May 1, 2025, from 5-7 PM.

Held the fifth week of each academic quarter (except summer). Spring Term GMM will be held on May 1, 2025, from 5:00-7:00pm with the location to be announced. Dinner and beverages will be provided. Please email [email protected] if you would like to request accommodations.

Additional details will be available closer to the event.

May 14



Spring Representative Assembly II

Representative Assemblies are for UA Representatives and Stewards. They occur during Week 3 and Week 7 of each quarter. The meeting will be held as a hybrid event, in the Union Hall and on Zoom. Additional details will be available closer to the event. You can Zoom in here!

Our National & State Affiliates

When you're a member of United Academics you are also a member of the American Federation of Teachers and the American Association of University Professors. Both come with membership benefits, but perhaps the best benefit is knowing that you are part of a union family literally millions strong!

American Federation of Teachers

AFT represents 1.6 million members across the United States.


AFT-Oregon is the state affiliate of AFT. AFT-OR represents more than 12,000 workers statewide.

The American Association of University Professors

The AAUP was founded in 1918 to defend academic freedom.


AAUP-Oregon has members at UO, OSU, PSU, EOU, OIT, Marylhurst, and Linfield.

American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations

The AFL-CIO is the umbrella organization for 56 national and international unions.

Oregon AFL-CIO

The state affiliate of the AFL-CIO.