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Meet the Secretary and Chair of Communications

Chris Sinclair


Chris Sinclair is an associate professor of mathematics who studies number theory and probability. He has been President of the University Senate, a past-President of United Academics, and is currently the Secretary/Treasurer of the American Association of University Professors.

Email Chris

What we do:

  • The communications committee, its chair/UA secretary, and UA staff coordinate emails, web content, and social media on behalf of your union.
  • We edit communications written by UA staff and board members.
  • We coordinate with the Organizing and Membership Committee and the Contract Action Team on messaging to members and potential members.
  • We work with interested members to craft and disseminate communications they want to share with their union.

Who does it:

  • Secretary and committee chair Pat Curtin
  • UA Staff Kristy Hammond
  • Communications committee–members of the EC, UA staff, and volunteer UA members from across campus.

Get involved in doing it, too:

  • Email Pat to join the committee; contact Pat or Kristy with information you want shared with UA or other helpful ideas.
  • Time commitment varies, but can be as little as commenting on a draft communication every couple of weeks; with bargaining and new member recruitment, there will also be opportunities to help more frequently.

Email Pat

Email Kristy

With your help, what we’d like to do more of:

  • Work on consistency in UA communications including a style guide.
  • Discuss messaging and tone both in general and for particular situations as bargaining evolves.
  • Designate and train media liaisons from UA membership to help communicate our values more broadly.
  • Create more consistent communications such as “know your contract” articles for email blasts or the website.
  • Spread comms committee members across other committees to better coordinate information and messages.
  • Scripting and planning for remote events like town halls.