Become a Member
Join us!
Welcome to United Academics! By joining your union, you are strengthening our collective voice and ability to enact positive change for our colleagues and our students.
Once you’ve filled out the form linked below, our Organizing Director Heather will confirm your intent via email. Dues are 1.1% of salary and are deducted monthly, typically starting the first paycheck after joining.
If you were previously a member of the union and are rejoining the bargaining unit (for instance, after being department head) you do not need to re-join.
Membership Matters …
Dear Colleague,
The upheaval of the last half decade has dramatically changed the landscape of higher education across the US. In this dynamic era, the need for faculty representation is greater than ever.
As you know, United Academics is member-run and member-driven. Our daily business includes handling grievances, fielding questions and concerns from faculty, and supporting our colleagues in myriad other ways. Faculty officers are elected from across campus. Our representatives and stewards are volunteers in your units who answer questions and direct you to resources. Bargaining team members collaborate to draft, review, and present proposals that will improve your working conditions and the terms of your employment. The union is not distinct from its members: you are United Academics and United Academics is YOU!
If you are not a current member, we hope you will consider joining! As a member, you ensure your voice is heard. Only members have the right to shape our union’s priorities; vote on our constitution, bylaws, and dues rate; to ratify collective bargaining agreements (contracts); to run for union office; and to vote in union officer elections. Paying your dues (1.1%) supports UA in supporting you.
To our current members: thank you for your continued engagement! We know that you have been working hard, and we are thankful for your feedback and insights as we bargain our new contract. Your support has made our position stronger and will aid us in securing wins at the bargaining table.
Whether or not you are a member, we will keep working for you. We will work to improve your working conditions. We will work to improve the learning conditions of our students. We will work to improve the University of Oregon. We will be even more successful with your input and help. Please reach out with your ideas, questions, and concerns.
In Solidarity,
Edward Davis
Edward Davis
Chair of the Organizing & Membership Committee
Reasons to Join
Keep United Academics Strong
UA is a strong union with a good contract because faculty join the union. Members keep our union strong through their participation and dues dollars. We know we speak for the faculty because we are a member-run union. Your membership is vital.
Gain a Stronger Voice
United Academics works closely and cooperatively with the University Senate and Administration to find creative solutions to the challenges facing our university. Membership in UA allows you the opportunity to participate in these conversations.
Protect Your Rights
As a union, we work together to stand up for our rights. We all deserve clear expectations, fair treatment, and an environment free from discrimination and harassment. Our grievance procedure established a clearly written, progressive policy, and our grievance committee members solve cases quickly and confidentially.
Guarantee Working Conditions
The United Academics contract is a legally binding document that establishes raises, a grievance procedure, benefits, and job protection for all faculty at the UO. Because of the union, faculty have received annual raises since we formed. We have also greatly expanded job security for Career faculty.
Advocate for Public Education
As part of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the American Associate of University Professors (AAUP), we directly support efforts across the state of Oregon and nationwide to uphold public education and academic freedom. We stand in solidarity with thousands of other teachers and public workers in Oregon who lobby for legislation that benefits workers and all the citizens of Oregon. Joining the union strengthens these efforts.
General Membership Meetings
Even if you don't have time to serve, you can stay informed by attending our regular membership meetings.
UA Committees
UA has committees on Politics, Communications, Organizing & Membership and more!
Get Involved ...
There are lots of ways to make a difference in our community. United Academics offers opportunities to work with other good people doing good things.
We have three standing caucuses—some meet to solve issues, others meet to find community—which get together quarterly.
We have faculty representatives, stewards, committees, and bargaining teams. There's always something to do around here! (Even if "here" means via Zoom).
Find your community here!
Stewards & Representatives
Share what's happening in your unit by becoming a steward or rep!
Our National & State Affiliates
When you're a member of United Academics you are also a member of the American Federation of Teachers and the American Association of University Professors. Both come with membership benefits, but perhaps the best benefit is knowing that you are part of a union family literally millions strong!

American Federation of Teachers
AFT represents 1.6 million members across the United States.

AFT-Oregon is the state affiliate of AFT. AFT-OR represents more than 12,000 workers statewide.

The American Association of University Professors
The AAUP was founded in 1918 to defend academic freedom.

AAUP-Oregon has members at UO, OSU, PSU, EOU, OIT, Marylhurst, and Linfield.

American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations
The AFL-CIO is the umbrella organization for 56 national and international unions.

Oregon AFL-CIO
The state affiliate of the AFL-CIO.
AFT Benefits
Many of the AFT’s benefit offerings are through our affiliation with Union Plus, the AFL-CIO benefits program. New Union Plus programs have been added to the AFT + roster of benefits to bring you savings on an even wider array of products and services.
With the purchasing power of 1.5 million members, together we are able to access a wide array of quality programs and services.
If you need help accessing your membership number or did not receive a membership card, contact the office at 541-636-4714 or email Kristy.
Occupational Liability Plan
AAUP Benefits
You join the AAUP to protect academic freedom, shared governance, and the faculty voice. But membership brings more tangible benefits, too:
Your AAUP membership gives you exclusive access to the expertise of AAUP staff, members, and leaders. Our lineup of guidebooks, toolkits, and webinars put the resources to defend academic freedom, ensure economic security, and advance faculty governance for all faculty at your fingertips.
Your membership includes a subscription to Academe, the bimonthly magazine of the AAUP, which includes the Association’s Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession (also known as the “salary survey”).
Call the Chronicle’s AAUP line at 1-800-728-2803 for the special AAUP discount of 20% off print and digital subscriptions.